Game: Love Solitaire

I don’t know why I called this game Love Solitaire. Original game is called Lighting Card.
This game story is the same as all my previous games. I found a game, I played it a lot, I liked it very much, I made a clone. When doing a clone I always think: can I improve the game? How? This time I done it by removing sound. It was really annoying in the original game.

I don’t think that there are more similar games to this and if there are they definitely are not called lighting card, so we will have to dive into games rules and to be fair, not actual game rules, but my interpretation of the rules.


The first image is from Lighting card, the second from my game. As you can see in the original game cards resemble such card games as Uno or Ligretto and not the classic card deck.
You can win the game if you get rid of all your cards faster than your opponent. Initially you have 30 cards in your deck and 6 more in your hand. You can get rid of the card by dragging it to the middle row of the table. The cards in the middle can be placed only according to the rules. If arrow bellow the card point upwards you have to place bigger card (eg. 11 - up, you can place 12), if arrow bellow the card points downwards you have to place smaller card (eg. 9 – down, you can place 8). In total there are 13 cards, so line goes like this: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,1,2,3…
There are four types of cards (only three in the image). Green – Wild card is the same as joker – can be placed on any card and any card can be placed on it. All other cards can be placed only according to the rules. Yellow (orange?) - regular cards. Red – changes the direction of the arrow bellow the card. Blue – lighting cards, if a blue card placed on another blue card lighting effect is displayed and you get an additional points, if a blue card placed on any other color card nothing happens.
When you and your opponent do not have any cards that could be placed in the middle, middle deck lights up to allow you to have four new cards. If you do not have cards that you could move to the middle, but middle deck does not shine, this means that opponent still has cards to place. But, if middle deck shines, it does not mean that you do not have cards to place, only your opponent does not have cards to place, so do not rush to flip cards. Playing carefully is the way to the victory.
I do not know how points are counted in the game, but it should relate to the timer somehow . I do not like that. I like to play games as slowly as I can. To say the truth: you can’t play this game slow, because opponent becomes faster with each level. I think I won 7 levels before it became to fast for me.

Now lets talk about my game. I used the same card deck as in my previous games. If people used to play solitaire they know how it goes: A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,J,Q,K,A,2,3... There are 4 jokers as in the full pack of cards. The diamonds change arrows direction. And you have to get rid of 56 cards total.
There is no timer in my game.
There are two modes in the game: NePo and RanDom. In the NePo mode you have full deck and you have to get rid of it. This means that no card should repeat (unless I made a bug in the code) except jokers which you should have four. In the RanDom mode you have the same a mount of cards, but all they are random so in theory you can have 56 jokers, but its not very likely. And if you will have 56 jokers at some point you should cry, because you wasted all your luck which you could have used to buy a lottery ticket and became a millionaire.
In reality it’s more likely to have no jokers at all than have a double numbers (ten and more) of any card. So, choose the mode you like more.
That are the main changes. Now lets dive into the code.


In this game we have “artificial intelligence". To say the truth: we have a lot of artificial and no intelligence. The opponent takes first card and check if he can put it in the middle, if no - he takes the second card and so on… You can use the same functions to check if you and the opponent can place the cards in the middle. The main difference when you do the checking. In the players' case, you need to check only when cards collide. In the computers' case you have to check before moving a card to find if computer has something useful in "the hand" and second time on collision, because chosen cards do not appear instantly in the middle and the player might have dragged some card faster than computer.
How to make drag and collision I told in my previous article and about sprites movement when discussing Solitaire TriPeaks. So the only interesting part in the code of this game is: how to do timed evens.

This code is activated with the start of the level. coTurn is a function that does all artificial opponent moves. The timer is stopped when level is over.

That’s easy.

I think that this game would be really cool to play against your friends real-time via internet. My coding skills are not up to the level to make such kind of game. Maybe you would like to try?

You can play the game here.

If you want to make a card game, you can use my card pack. You can get PNG version for free (part one, part two). If you want to support me, you can buy SVG version or become my Patreon.