First game: Memory
I decided to make games with Phaser and document my journey all the way. In my previous article I wrote that the first game should be a cards game. My first game with Phaser was a cards game, but I thought that for a newbie my first game can be too hard to understand, so today I would like to present to you another card game, much more simple.
But at first let me give you a question: can games teach you a foreign language?
I believe that they can.
I guess, that you all played memory game atleast once in your life. Just to be clear. There are a lot of cards on the table. There is always an even number of the cards. First, you open one card and then you open the second card. If cards mach some magic effect happens, if cards are different they are closed (reverted to the previous state). The game is played till all cards are matched. It is hard to think of the simpler rules for the game.
Before diving into code, I want you to think about one more thing. What if we add words to the cards? The images on the cards are the same, but the words are different. On one card the words are in your native language, on the second card the words are in the language you want to learn. Would that help to learn the language?
At this point I am hoping that you know what is Phaser (already downloaded it) and want to write your first game.
There are several ways to define the main function and I like the one you can find in the official tutorial:
There are a few important things to know.
First: 288, 394 is the size of the game. You can choose the size you want.
Third: { preload: preload, create: create} are standard functions of the framework that we will use. There are more than two functions in the framework, but in such small game we do not need more.
We start with preload function and the first thing we want to do is to load background image.
I guess there is no need for more explanation here. Now lets load the cards:
I also use SVG instead PNG. Why? Because I can. There is no practical advantages as far as I know.
Do you want to make games only for Desktop or for Desktop and Mobile? If you have different screen sizes, you want your game automatically to adapt to them.
These two lines do the trick.
So we loaded images, now we have to show them and that is done in the create function.
alpha means that the card is visible; it will be important later.
inputEnabled – user can click the card.
And the last line is most interesting: what happens when user clicks? We call another function.
As we have a function to add click, we also have a function to remove it. Basically it does the same only in reverse (not reverse order).
This is done with the help of tween. tween is a library of various effects. As you can see in the code we change card visibility to zero. When blinking action is complete, we change card frame to empty card and remove ability to click the card.
So that’s all for the Phaser part of the game.
You can try demo here and download all the code here. Of course, it’s just a demo and not a complete game, it has no start screen, no scoring system, no levels.
If you have any questions feel free to email me and support me on Patreon.